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Pregnancy scares

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:46 pm
by falloutbabe27
Okay so I posted earlier on something for more questions about how this happened. But this is just gonna be straight forward. My head has been crazy for the last 2 days about this and my anxiety is just as bad. I was pressured into unprotected sex on Friday and it is now Sunday but my boyfriend was inside of me for less than 2 minutes. He hadn't ejaculated earlier that day at all and like I said we came in direct contact for a very short amount of time. The thing is I'm not sure if there was any pre ejaculate involved. If he pulled out after if any 3 or 4 thrusts, no sperm involved before hand could it be possible? I'm not sure if I was or am ovulating but starting today I woke up with more tender breasts and mood swings all day I'm praying that it's PMS symptoms and not anything else. I'm young and obviously not looking to be pregnant at all but I made a horrible decision and ended it as soon as possible but possibly still too late. I've read so many things about pre-cum that I don't even know what to think about it whether there's sperm involved or not. Is pregnancy a big chance or am I just over thinking and stressing?

Re: Pregnancy scares

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:17 pm
by Heather
As I told you in your other post, none of this is about you making a horrible decision: the person who made that was your boyfriend who sexually assaulted you. I know just hearing that once or twice from someone can't magic away the self-blame most victims of rape go through, but I'm going to keep offering it up as a support to help get you there in time.

Personally, I'd advise using EC with protection of risks from an assault (if someone doesn't want to be pregnant, they generally want even less to be pregnant due to sexual abuse or assault, and minimizing what risks a person can tends to make dealing with assault a bit easier), but it's going to be up to you about how you feel about that.

If he didn't fully ejaculate, then he withdrew, and in one year of perfect use, that's estimated to provide around 96% protection from pregnancy in one year of use (these figures are for one year, so it's actually much lower than that, but that can't be estimated accurately for a single incident). If you feel okay with just that, okay. If not, then using emergency contraception, paired with that, would cut that risk in half.

That said, know that it takes longer than two days for conception to occur and for people who WILL become pregnant to even start having the possibility of any symptoms. So one thing you can know, with absolute certainty, is that those tender breasts and mood changes can't be about pregnancy, because it'd be too soon for that even if you were to become pregnant from this. And your mood issues are also likely in part about the trauma and betrayal you have just suffered: that's huge stuff that creates a lot of big, hard feelings.

If you feel like you want to use EC, and need help finding it near you, you can get it from any hospital, clinic or healthcare provider, or it can be purchased over the counter at most pharmacies without a prescription (but you still need to go to the prescription counter to get it from the pharmacist). In the event you do it that way and get refused, and refused, if you feel able to say you have been assaulted and you want it NOW, that should shut that down immediately and get you what you need.

I'm front-loading here in case you want it because I do need to leave work here for the day. I'll check in at least once more on your threads tonight, in case there's anything you need or want before tomorrow, but I didn't want to check too late and hold you up with getting EC if you wanted it and needed that information about how and where to get it.