Question about STIs and sex toys

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Question about STIs and sex toys

Unread post by pinkpanther »

Hi everyone,

After reading this post [ ... _from_that], I have a particular question regarding the sex toy risks I couldn't find an answer to in the article: are these risks applicable only if you use the toys for penetration, or is direct skin contact with the dirty toy enough?
If for example someone used the rabbit "ears" on a previously-used "rampant rabbit" sex toy to only stimulate the clitoris, but not use the penis-like part at all (not even for penetration), does it pose any risk of any STIs infections? Or are only STIs contracted when you use toys fully inside your body?
If anybody could clarify this, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Question about STIs and sex toys

Unread post by Heather »

A toy doesn't have to have been inside the body to pose infection risks, no. Our whole bodies have bacteria on them, so bacterial infections when a toy hasn't been washed or covered are always a maybe all by itself. As well, when we are talking about STIs, any contact with the parts of the body -- be it mouth, genitals or hands -- than can spread infection would be an issue.

The good news is, it's usually very easy to either wash or cover toys.
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Re: Question about STIs and sex toys

Unread post by pinkpanther »

Hi Heather, thanks for replying. So to make sure I understood you well, it can pose a maybe risk all by itself. Considering this, would that risk still be low anyway? (just like the article stated, with its thermometers and such).
I also want to congratulate you for having such a helpful and awesome website. Thanks xxx :)
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Re: Question about STIs and sex toys

Unread post by Karyn »

Yep, it would still be a low risk, as stated in the article.
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Re: Question about STIs and sex toys

Unread post by pinkpanther »

Thank you Karyn.
Have a nice weekend :)
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