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Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:39 pm
by Dolly68
Hi, today I took a drive and put my purse near the passenger seat on the floor. I keep my birth control pills in a pocket in my purse. When I picked up my purse I noticed that my bag was warm. I guess it was leaning on the radio which gets warm. I checked my pack of pills and they were warm too. I went out a bunch of times today and over the last few days I have been using that car. (I'm away from home.) First of all, How do I know if the pills were affected by the heat/warmth? I can't even get a new pack being that I'm away and its late at night too. Is there a way to tell if birth control pills were affected by heat? Should I assume they are ineffective? I checked the pills and they seem to look pretty regular. The foil isn't popped out and the pill looks hole. Maybe the plastic looked slightly hazy but nothing major at all. What do you think?

Re: Heat

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:16 am
by Karyn
Without being able to see the package, there's no way to know for sure, but if the packaging doesn't look compromised then I'd say you're fine. You can always call a pharmacist and double check, but it also doesn't sound like your pills have spent any significant length of time by the heater so it's pretty unlikely there was any damage done.

Re: Heat

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:42 am
by Dolly68
The blister packaging does look pretty regular so I'll assume their fine. Thank you so much for your help!!