Period sex

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Period sex

Unread post by Rainbowhooves »

So I have a tripped planned yesterday but my period came today. I have a couple of questions. I also have tampon questions.

I want to go into the water (We are going to the beach).

Can I go in with a tampon?
How do I put a tampon on?
Will I feel it, does it hurt?

Does having sex on your period increase the chance of getting pregnant if just using a condom? Or up the chance of breakage?
Can you wear a condom during shower sex? Wouldnt the water cause the condom to break?
If we have sex on the bed , how can we keep clean (it's a hotel bed and I dont want to pay for any damages)

Is medication all I can use to decrease cramps?

Thank you and sorry for all of the questions . I know it's alot!
Eddie C
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Re: Period sex

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Rainbow!

You absolutely can go into the water with a tampon, just make sure to change it once you are out so you can have something fresh. Every box of tampons come with a very useful manual (most of them with drawings) of how to put a tampon, so that's what you want to look at. Will it hurt? It shouldn't if you are relaxed. It can be a bit uncomfortable the first time if you have never use one but is something you can get use to it. Like anything new in our bodies it just takes time and a little bit of practice.

Having sex during a period doesn't increase or decrease your chances of pregnancy. Without knowing when you ovulate is hard to calculate this, but using a condom does make your risk a lot lower, so that's what you want to do. :) Condoms won't break easily because you are in your period but having sex under water or sometimes in the shower can be tricky because water will wash away natural lubrication which CAN make a condom break easier or make intercourse painful.

About the bed and the sheets, you can always use a towel, you know? Something you can move whenever you are done. Is going to be up to you and up to what you feel better using. There's a couple of home remedies you can use for cramps like calming teas, hot compresses or even exercise. Stretching works for some people so maybe you can try it. :)
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