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Plan B Effects on Periods

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:52 pm
by gongbubug

I was wondering if there is a general rule as to when to expect your second period after taking Plan B. In my situation, my SO and I had protected sex, but the condom broke. Although he hadn't ejaculated at that point, I took Plan B as a precaution two days later (I was unable to get to the pharmacy sooner) on Day 10 of my cycle. A week later, I had some moderate bleeding for a few days; I know this to be a Plan B side effect. It's been five weeks since then, and I haven't gotten my period. My cycle is on average 33 days, and I have taken a negative HPT two days ago.

I know everyone has different reactions to Plan B and that many women experience late periods, but I am a little concerned. Do you advise that I wait a little longer to take the second HPT, or should I be legitimately concerned about possible pregnancy?

Thank you!

Re: Plan B Effects on Periods

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:54 pm
by Sam W
Hi jiae0912,

As you said, everyone is going to react a little differently to taking Plan B, so there's not really a way to predict when your next period will come. That's one of those places where you just have to be patient.

As long as you took the first pregnancy test according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume the results are correct. But, if you think it would help ease your stress, you can take another test.