Is this normal??

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Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

Hi, recently I have noticed something that I am a bit worried about with my body and it's kind of embarrassing for me to say but I'm not sire about it so here goes. When I was trying to use a tampon one day and had on me a mirror, I noticed something genitals that I'm not sure is normal. What I noticed was that where my vaginal opening is, there is hardly any opening but instead two holes underneath my urethra where my vaginal opening supposed to be. Is this normal its making me feel a bit self conscious and worried and I'm not even sure where to put a tampon for the reason that I have two holes but don't want to hurt myself and when I last looked down there I was on my period but could only see blood in and around one of the two holes, the bottom one(sorry if that's tmi). I know it's supposed to go clitorus, urethra, vaginal opening and anus and I'm.not mistaking the second hole for my anus just to clarify. Thankyou
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Heather »

What I suspect may be the deal here is that the state your corona (hymen) is in is such that it's giving the appearance of two openings.

The hymen wears away over time, usually very gradually, and the shapes and patterns it wears away in are really diverse. You can see illustrations of some here: My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It.

But one pretty common way for it to wear away is with openings forming in it, so it can look like there is one, two, or even three or more openings around the vaginal opening. If you want to find out for sure, a sexual healthcare provider is the way to go.

This would also explain, by the way, your issues trying to use tampons. Even as it's wearing away, the corona is very flexible, however, when there is more than one opening in it, finding a way in -- for lack of a better term -- can be a lot more challenging, especially without using a mirror (which, logistically, obviously would be a challenge, given we only have two hands!).
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

Thankyou for your reply. That makes so much sense as no matter what I do I cannot use a tampon. Does the corona ever wear away?
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Heather »

If you'd click through to that link and read the information there, you'd find out. :)
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

Hi, Iam a bit confused about my anatomy of my genitals as I remember what was said on here previously but that's confused me now. I thought I had two openings but I actually think I've just one small one with the opening smaller than the width of a pinky finger and as mentioned before I am unable to use tampons and as I was using a small self standing mirror I could see that even the tampon was too thick in width :( Yet and I'm sorry If this is tmi, my boyfriend can fit his finger in and once when I was standing managed to fit the whole middle.finger in. So what I'm getting at is my opening is really bugging me. I am even more so confused about my anatomy by the fact that when about maybe an inch in I can feel a kind of lump inside my vagina which when I tense pushes towards my finger and it feels odd and slightly uncomfortable and I'm concerned because I'm only 17 so what's this object that is blocking alot of space (as I have a very tight vagina which I know from what I can feel) and feels smooth and rounded and very sensitive to touch? I even spoke to my mum about tampons being hard to use and she said it was normal as she had that issue until she had her first child and even then it wasn't easy. I don't want to not be able to have Intercourse because if a tampon doesn't even fit how on earth would a penis fit??

Thx sorry about the long post but it's been on my mind for a while, I've read all anatomy posts but I can't seem to explain what I can feel inside my vagina.
Last edited by Berry124 on Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Heather »

That is almost guaranteed to be your cervix. :)
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

My cervix really? So my vagina is only like what a inch in length? I thought the cervix was alot further in? I don't understand? Thankyou for answering my question tho
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Heather »

The Innies & Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus and More article addresses this anatomy, and it's included on the third diagram, though a cross-section view makes it less easy to visually see how the cervix juts into the vaginal canal.

Here's an illustration online with a view that shows exactly how one will feel their own cervix inside the vagina: ... sion-2.jpg

When people are not sexually aroused, the vaginal canal is only about an inch or two long, and at certain times in their cycle, the cervix is also pretty close to the opening. When people get sexually excited, the vagina lengthens, and at certain times in cycles, the cervix is also further back.
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

Thankyou for the links, I have tried to determine where it was on the diagram and I did struggle, it's odd because I always thought your vagina would be alot longer from.seeing biological diagrams in school I guess which showed them being very long in length and not being entirely visible it's not like I can learn how my vagina looks
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

If you are unable to use tampons but a partner can perform manual sex on you, does that just mean that being aroused and lubricated is the issue when attempting to insert a tampon?
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Heather »

Well, again, it's variable. So, for people some of the time, given certain conditions, it will be longer, and have more space from the opening of the vagina to the cervical opening, while at other times in other conditions, it's considerably shorter with little distance.

The standard choice with medical illustrations does tend to be showing the canal at its longest, but I suspect that's mostly about how when you do that, it's easier to see where the vaginal canal is.

If you are having issues with tampons, but having a great time with manual sex -- not that someone just CAN, I'd hope! -- then what's likely the issue, which usually is with tampon use for most is yes, lack of lubrication (that's why I've suggested using a lubricant when you've asked about this before), and then not so much lack of arousal, but muscle tension and stress, rather than relaxation.
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Re: Is this normal??

Unread post by Berry124 »

Yes that makes sense and yeah manual is easy but my partner had noticed the "object" that I was talking about but apart from that it makes sense why I struggle with tampons because they just get kinda stuck (sorry if that's a bit descriptive) due to lack of lubrication etc.
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