Just to be clear, hormonal birth control devices (or IUDs, or over-the-counter pain relievers, or massage, anything, really), can help some people with their menstrual pain issues, but not others, or some with one aspect of that pain, and something else with another. What may help, or will help, has a lot to do with the WHY of someone's menstrual pain.
If, for example, someone has PCOS, and that's the why of their pain, hormonal treatment is what's usually most likely to help, while other things probably won't. If, on the other hand, someone is having menstrual pain because of muscle tension, hormonal methods won't do anything, but massage, acupuncture or an Advil probably will.
Finding out what your why-of-this-pain is, and to learn what your best options are, you'll need to start with a visit with a reproductive healthcare provider.
That's not something anyone online can tell you, so also isn't something it's sound, especially without you being able to tell us that why, for others (our staff or fellow users) to pipe in on with very general opinions or suggestions.
What you'll want to do is make an appointment with this kind of healthcare provider. If you need any help with that, let us know!