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Freaking out about my health PAIN

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:50 pm
by Rainbowhooves
I've been having abdominal pain for about 4 days now with a bad headache that usually comes on at night.

I had a itchy vagina and went to the doctor . They gave me medication and said the meds would give me a yeast infection so they gave me pills for that. I suspect that my boyfriend had just scratched me and it became irritated from the lube. Anyways the itching went away but a few days ago I got the pain. I didnt take the second set of meds because the itchy had gone away and I had no discharge

Just now I checked my underwear and saw white chunky discharge . I just took the yeast infection pill and am going to the clinic in the morning. My issue with that clinic is that they do not have a GYN so I dont really know what they will do . Also I'm scared they will check down there. Last time it was very traumatizing .

I got tested for Gonorrhea and Clyamedia the day I went.

I'm kinda freaking out that I may have HPV or cervical cancer or something. I Cant see a GYN for a while until I change my doctors (I cant right now) and it's stressing me out so much .

I also has clear discharge come down but thats normal for me

My boy friend and I have taken a vow to abstinence already and have kept up on it . We wont be having sex until minimum 6 months because I keep having all these health problems from sex and it's taking a toll on my health.

Any idea what this?

The cramps feel like light period cramps

Re: Freaking out about my health PAIN

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:36 am
by Sam W
Hi Rainbowhooves,

I'm glad your checking in with the doctor, as they should at least be able to help you with the cramps. Is there any possibility of them referring you to an OB-GYN or no?

As for your discharge, we can't really diagnose that, but if you take a look at this article, it might help you narrow down some causes:
Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions[/b

Re: Freaking out about my health PAIN

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:56 am
by Heather
With four solid days of unexplained abdominal pain and headaches, I'd personally suggest you go to the ER or an urgent care. You're asking for a kind of medical advice here we make clear we can't give, and going to the internet isn't the right move with something like this: you need to go see a doctor in person.