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Is it normal to have anxiety about periods?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:01 am
by nokatprotested
After asking a few questions in past months about pregnancy scares due to dry humping, I took advice from this website and stepped back from all sexual activities. Now my boyfriend and I ONLY make out, cuddle, hold hands, typical innocent couple things. In my mind I know there is no way I could be pregnant because we have:
A) kept all our clothes on
B) not dry humped at all
My past periods were on March 24, April 30, June 1 or 2 (I forgot to document that one), and July 2. So, I guess my periods are pretty much regular (right..?), so my period should be coming some time next week but yet I have this nagging in my mind that for some crazy reason I'm not going to get my period but I have no idea why I'm feeling like this now since I'm not doing anything sexual at all.

So why am I still so anxious about my period? Is this something that many girls suffer from? Can I overcome this without professional help?

Re: Is it normal to have anxiety about periods?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:37 am
by Sam W
Hi nokatprotested,

I would say that, if you're having anxiety about your period arriving that you can't shake even knowing the facts (which it sounds like you do), then it might be time to talk to a counselor. I would say most people who get periods don't get anxiety around them and their arrival time (unless they've had something like a pregnancy scare). Usually, you just assume it'll come when it comes.