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Scanty Period

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:55 pm
by baconpancake
So this is what happened,

•I had my period last July 9, 2015 and it lasted for 6 days
•Had unprotected sex July 16 and took birth control pills that can be an alternative for Plan B pills the next day July 17 (Plan B pills are banned in my country)
•Had unprotected sex again July 23 and took again pills after sex.

I started bleeding July 30, and until now August 1, I am still lightly bleeding. The blood was brown that turned bright red, and I can fill 2 pads a day. I don't know if this is my period, or the so called "withdrawal bleeding" or an implantation bleeding, because it doesn't feel like my period because it's so light, and according to my period calculator app, my period is supposed to come next week, August 8.

My questions are:

1) How do I differ period from withdrawal bleeding from implantation bleeding?
2) If it's the "withdrawal bleeding" I am experiencing right now, is the "withdrawal bleeding" my period for the month?

Thank you very much, I would appreciate your answer.

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:09 pm
by baconpancake
Just an addition: my unprotected sex both had "withdrawal method" (I know not a method) ☺

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:56 pm
by Karyn
So, implantation bleeding is actually pretty uncommon, and is very light - not enough blood to fill two pads a day. One side effect of taking Plan B is some irregular bleeding for a couple of months, so what you're describing isn't at all unusual. Whether or not it's your period is impossible to say; there's no way for anyone to know that.

If you're not comfortable using withdrawal as a method of birth control (and it sounds like you're not), do you want to talk about other more reliable options?

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:46 am
by baconpancake
Thank you for your answer. I really am not comfortable using withdrawal method, because it's so risky. Birth controls like contraceptive pills, IUD, and such, are not allowed to be given to a minor, here in my country. Condoms are the only form that are accessible, but---people will bat their eye on you when you purchase them. I even have to ask my friend who's already in legal age to buy the pills for me. So, it's a struggle here in my country to practice safe sex on minors because it's "not normal" and partially illegal for my country's society that teenagers are sexually active.

Another follow up questions:

•Is withdrawal bleeding an indication that I am not pregnant?
•Since you said there's no way for anyone to know if what I am experiencing right now is my period--should I wait for my period that is due next week to say that I am safe? (Safe like not pregnant)

Thank you again for answering my questions, your replies are helping me out big time.

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:46 am
by Redskies
Yes, the bleeding you're having at the moment is a very strong indication that you're not pregnant.

You might not get a period next week, because the bleeding you're having at the moment might be your period. So, I'd suggest not worrying about whether you get your period next week or not, because the bleeding you're having at the moment is the information you need so you can know you're not pregnant. Taking emergency contraception can cause temporary changes to your cycle, and it's fairly common for a period to come a bit earlier or later than expected.

The friend who got the pills for you: would that friend be able to get condoms for you?

I understand that it can be difficult when there are big social taboos about having sex or getting contraception. Still, it's clear that how this has gone for you so far isn't working for you, and is resulting in major stress and worry for you. So, I'd suggest seeing if you can make different choices that will result in you feeling better. The options I can see are:
- you just put up with other people's reactions when you get condoms. If it's just disapproval and not actually dangerous to you, sometimes we do have to put up with intense disapproval from other people in order to do a thing that's really important and necessary to our life and health. We can't change what they think, so sometimes we just have to let them think it and get on with doing the important thing we really need.
- if you feel you really cannot deal with other people's reactions, or their reactions might put you in danger, then you might have to figure that for now, you cannot get the things you need in order to have some kinds of sex. If it's important to you not to become pregnant and you cannot get contraception, the only thing we can suggest is that you don't have sex that has pregnancy risks. It sucks when our choices are so restricted by the world around us, but at the same time, we do have to work within the reality we have, and make the best choice available to us, even if it isn't what we'd really want.

Which of those options do you feel best about and feels most do-able to you? We're happy to talk with you about how to approach whichever option you want.

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:17 am
by baconpancake
Thank you for replying once again :)

I used condoms before, and plan to use them again for safety. BUT, I would try my best to abstain from now on.

This is somehow off topic, but I want to share this, and ask for more tips, and advice from you guys (I am sorry for asking too much help)

Earlier this morning my aunt found my pills. (I don't live with my parents: my dad is dead, my mom is away, working abroad) She went ballistic, she judged me, and cursed at me for having pills. But, I lied, I denied that the pills are not mine. I told her that my bestfriend asked me to hide the pills for her. (I informed my bestfriend about this, and she said it's completely fine---because she said she knows that I am not ready to confess to my aunt that I am sexually active) My aunt was convinced about this but she got so judgemental with the "sexually active teens". She said that teenagers who commit premarital sex will rot in hell (we are roman catholics) and she told me that taking pills would make the future babies "abnormal" and "deformed".

For me, it's hard to be a sexually active teen in my country. People judge you--- and people are "disgusted" with birth controls. You don't get support from the elders with the call of "human nature", what they want us to do is to fight it, resist the urge to have sex. No wonder my country is over populated.

Okay. I am so stressed. I just wanted to let this out. HAHA. Thank you Scarleteen Team for your website.

Re: Scanty Period

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:24 am
by Heather
I hear you, and I'm so sorry that like all too many people, this has been your experience. :( I'm glad that you figured out a way to protect yourself some when it comes to your aunt, and that your best friend was cool with supporting you in that.