Question about Anatomy
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Question about Anatomy
I was just wondering if the vagina is part of the vulva. I've read many articles on here and most of them never mention the vagina they always say vulva so I'm just wondering if it is the case that when saying the vulva that the vagina is included in that.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
The vulva and the vagina are two different things. The vulva is the external part, that includes the inner and outer labia and clitoris, and the vagina is the internal canal that connects the outside of the body to the uterus. So, when we say vulva, we do not include vagina in that: we're talking specifically about the external part of the genitals.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Also, Shiloh, have you seen this article? Innies & Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus and More That explains in more detail, and has diagrams to show which names belong with which bit 

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Re: Question about Anatomy
I was only asking cuz I wanted to make sure the vagina and vaginal opening were included in this "Just so it is all in one easy place, if you are worried about pregnancy from any of the following, or any similar, scenarios, please know and accept that in reality, pregnancies absolutely, positively, cannot occur in these ways:
- By touching a sink, toilet, doorknob, piece of clothing or any other object which may or may not have or have had semen on it. Yep, even if you or someone else touched their vulva directly after." When it says vulva at the end is it just the external part or would touching your vagina and vaginal opening be included too?
- By touching a sink, toilet, doorknob, piece of clothing or any other object which may or may not have or have had semen on it. Yep, even if you or someone else touched their vulva directly after." When it says vulva at the end is it just the external part or would touching your vagina and vaginal opening be included too?
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Re: Question about Anatomy
I didn't write that, but I think it this case Heather would likely agree that yes, the vaginal opening and vagina would be included in that. Because in that scenario, whether you were touching your vulva or putting fingers into your vagina, pregnancy isn't an issue.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Okay thank you I wanted to follow the rules and read the article and not ask but I wasn't sure if it was included, I had asked Mo on the live chat about this because I was worried about touching myself and accidentally having semen on my hands somehow and Mo said no risk but I never specified with the vagina and I wanted to make sure and ask to specify since on the live chat I only said "touching myself" when what I was actually doing was vaginal penetration with my fingers
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Re: Question about Anatomy
It's always okay to ask us to clarify information, if you're not sure about something in an article.
Are you feeling like you understand all of this better now?
Are you feeling like you understand all of this better now?
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Yes now that I know that actually penetrating your vagina with your fingers after possibly having contact with semen from touching objects like doorknobs and sinks etc is totally no risk of pregnancy just like with the vulva I feel much better 
Per understanding is it the case where, for the articles and risks, if something says it's no risk for a certain part of the genitals it's no risk for all the genitals if that makes sense, because to me if it's not a risk to touch the vagina it wouldn't be a risk to touch the vulva and if it's not a risk to touch the vulva it wouldn't be a risk to touch the vagina, that's the only types of things I get confused on, like which parts of the genitals things are risks/not risks for.

Per understanding is it the case where, for the articles and risks, if something says it's no risk for a certain part of the genitals it's no risk for all the genitals if that makes sense, because to me if it's not a risk to touch the vagina it wouldn't be a risk to touch the vulva and if it's not a risk to touch the vulva it wouldn't be a risk to touch the vagina, that's the only types of things I get confused on, like which parts of the genitals things are risks/not risks for.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Really, because the external vulva is SO close to the vagina itself, when it comes to risk levels they are pretty much one and the same, yes -- so if something is a risk when done inside the vagina, it is also going to be a risk when done to the vulva. And if something is a risk when done to the vulva, it most certainly will also be a risk if done directly inside the vagina. So it's pretty safe to assume that if something is a risk when involving one of those two things, it is also a risk when involving the other. Does that make sense?
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Re: Question about Anatomy
so it would be the same for the reverse-meaning if something *isnt* a risk for the vulva it wouldnt be a risk for the vagina?
Thanks so much!- i just get confused when some answers/articles have only on part of the genitals listed and not the one im concerned about
But really i guess the difference doesnt really matter and i shouldnt be making a big deal about it since Karyn already helped me when telling me that with the scenario i quoted previously fingering the vagina would still not cause pregnancy.
Thanks so much!- i just get confused when some answers/articles have only on part of the genitals listed and not the one im concerned about

But really i guess the difference doesnt really matter and i shouldnt be making a big deal about it since Karyn already helped me when telling me that with the scenario i quoted previously fingering the vagina would still not cause pregnancy.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Yes, that would be safe to assume if it isn't specified -- again because they're both just so close, the risk levels aren't significantly different at all. Glad I could help 

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Re: Question about Anatomy
Is everything in this post still true? ... _handshake I'm asking because it was last updated in 2012. And also when the articles in "this is your pregnancy scare answer" talk about touching guys hands that may have ejacualate on them is it saying that that's no risk even if you touch your vagina right after?
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Re: Question about Anatomy
That post is still accurate, yes. And you're right on about what it's saying: regardless of whether a guy's hand has semen on it or not, touching it and then touching yourself is not a pregnancy risk.
You're expressing a lot of concern about pregnancy risks from things that just do not pose a risk of pregnancy at all. Do you feel like the information we're giving you is helping with that?
You're expressing a lot of concern about pregnancy risks from things that just do not pose a risk of pregnancy at all. Do you feel like the information we're giving you is helping with that?
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Yes, I just let my mind get the best of me, I had some scares with my last boyfriend and now that we have been broken up for 2 or more months I have been fine until recently when I all I seem to think about is whether I have messed up and done something to put myself at risk, I even go so far as to forget or not if I have been with someone even though if I had sexual encounters with someone I would have definitely remembered, I guess it's my mind playing tricks on me 

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Re: Question about Anatomy
Have you considered checking in with a counselor or therapist about your anxiety? This level of worry obviously isn't fun, and it sounds like it's really interfering with your day to day life recently.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
I'm too scared and embarrassed to talk to anyone in person 

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Re: Question about Anatomy
It can be scary talking to someone in person about anxiety, but mental healthcare providers, just like any other healthcare professionals, are just that, professionals. It's their job to help you, to make you feel comfortable talking about things that are scary or embarrassing. You wouldn't even need to say what you're anxious about to start off with, if you're not okay doing that; you can just say that you've been having anxiety and you would like some help dealing with it.
We can give you all the information in the world about how pregnancy does and does not happen, but we aren't mental healthcare professionals, and we don't have the skills to help you with anxiety when information on its own isn't enough.
We can give you all the information in the world about how pregnancy does and does not happen, but we aren't mental healthcare professionals, and we don't have the skills to help you with anxiety when information on its own isn't enough.
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Re: Question about Anatomy
Yeah I guess I need to do that because even just now I got an itch so I scratched my vagina through my panties and now I'm freaking out again even though I'm sure it's even double no risk because there was a clothing barrier I just wish I could stop worrying 

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Re: Question about Anatomy
Okay. If you like, we can help you figure out what sort of help might be available in your area. Or, if you have a general physician, or another healthcare provider you see regularly, they're a very good place to start as well.
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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