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Burning Sensation

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:42 pm
by loveyoruxx
So my boyfriend and I had unprotected anal sex. The first time he went in it really hurt and yes we did use lube. He just went in way too fast. Then after I told him I am okay we tried at it again and when he entered all the way I felt a burning sensation. It didnt hurt but felt funny. Then after sex I went to pee and i wiped my butt and it looked like wetness from the vagina with blood. What does that mean?

Re: Burning Sensation

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:57 am
by Heather
Probably you got yourself an abrasion of your anus or rectum: that's common, especially if people aren't super-careful and aware with anal sex, which it sounds like your partner wasn't. But only a doctor who could examine you could say for sure. That wetness plus blood was most likely a combo of lube, your boyfriend's fluids, and bleeding from the abrasion.

When was this? If it was more than a day or so ago and you're still having any burning (like when you have a bowel movement) or bleeding, then it's time to check in with a doctor.

I do want to make sure you are aware -- whatever you choose to do with this -- that unprotected anal sex is really very unsafe from the perspective of STIs and bacterial infections, which can spread or develop even easier because of things like abrasions. So, if it did turn out to be something you liked and want to do again, I'd encourage you to seriously consider only doing it protected, with a condom.

Re: Burning Sensation

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:56 am
by loveyoruxx
There is no burning now at all! And thank you we will be more careful