IUD Insertion tomorrow! Nervous

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IUD Insertion tomorrow! Nervous

Unread post by loveandkisses »


Tomorrow I am getting an Paraguard inserted. I've been on the Pill (different ones) for four years and kept getting bad side-effects from monthly yeast infections, UTI's, low-sex drive, excessive bloating etc. The last straw was last month I got UTI so bad it almost caused a kidney infection. So that is why I've decided to get the Paraguard since it has no hormones, but I am REALLY nervous about the insertion tomorrow. I am nervous about the pain.

My OBGYN prescribed me Misoprostol because I have never had children. I am suppose to take it 4 hours because the procedure. But, I am nervous about taking it because I am not on my period (on the packaging it says take on 3rd or 4th day of period) but my doctor did mention anything about having to be on my period, and we couldn't predict when my next period would be because I just got off the pill and wasn't sure when it would return since I've read stopping the pill can cause a delay in when you get your period. I've also read that Misoprostrol causes bad side-effects? Has anyone had a similar experience?

She also prescribed Valium, but I'm not sure if that will help with any pain and if maybe I should also take ibuprofen? It's Sunday at 7:00pm so I can't call my doctor or pharmacy and I have the first appointment of the day tomorrow.
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Re: IUD Insertion tomorrow! Nervous

Unread post by Heather »

Really, the person you need to talk to about these questions is that provider.

I get that this is first thing tomorrow, but ideally, these would have been things you asked at your consult or thought about before tonight. If you didn't, though, you didn't, and that's just how it goes: can't unring that bell.

So, at this point, I'd say you either want to figure you are getting the IUD tomorrow, and so need to just follow their directions and prescriptions to the letter -- the Misoprostol and the Valium, nothing else if they didn't okay that -- going with the plan as it was presented to you at your consult, OR, if you want to change or review the plan, then you'll figure you're going to go ask these questions tomorrow and then probably need to reschedule the insertion for another time.

The most recent study has found that self-administered Misoprostol actually doesn't help with IUD insertions. Here's one summary about one those studies for you here: http://www.obgyn.net/pregnancy-and-birt ... -insertion But only they can speak to their rationale with this and inform you about your choices and options with how they like to do insertions. Study also hasn't ever found that insertion is much different per pain with people who have been pregnant versus those who have not, by the by. Any differences seem to be pretty statistically insignificant (in other words, really small).

The reason for a Valium prescription is to help you relax: it's only to manage pain in that most of the pain you'd have would be about not relaxing. IUD insertion also involves a local anaesthetic for pain management at the site of the insertion. Whether or not it's okay for you to also take an Ibuprofen, per how they do insertions and pain management, is again something only they can really answer.

Per the issue with the timing of your period and the directions with your prescription, that's also not something I can address: that's something only your provider or their practice can answer for you.
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