relationship problem? advice please!!!

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relationship problem? advice please!!!

Unread post by mixmichelle »

I'm only 16 were both still teenagers and we know that we both love each other but in the past few weeks I started to get jelous a lot to this girl and I didn't talk about it to him cause I was scared that I might just make the whole situation big so I just kept it in myself I kept thinking about over and over and I had this false feeling that he's love for me is growing cold but I was wrong :( july 26 2014 I broke with him I didn't even tell him he's want back he's telling how much he loves me and stuff and then after that we had this big argument me and him were just throwing words to each other that we don't mean I was so angry and I said a lot of hurtfull words and regret them after we didn't talked for like 4 days and I texted saying how much I want him back in my life but he didn't want to communicate with me but I know and he know that we still love each other wEre :( he's my everything I lost my virginity to him and he lost he's to me aswell we both did love it we have been going for about 9months and 10 days today I decided I want to come with to he's football match we wereinside the train no one was in there it was just me and him so I hugged him and he kissed me I was so happy he kissed me twice and then when I left him I want to he's house I gave her mums a flower and then I went home after that he called me saying that we have to talk later about what happen and I'm scared I don't know to reply for that later that he's saying I hope everything turns out positive ..... I hope you help me out and give me some advice please I have no one to talk about this
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Re: relationship problem? advice please!!!

Unread post by Onionpie »

Hi mixmichelle, welcome to Scarleteen! I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard and complicated time right now. I'll try to help you as best I can, but I think it will help me if you clarify what exactly you're looking for from us here. Is there anything specific about this situation you want help with? For example, do you want us to help you figure out how to talk to him about the relationship? Or do you want advice on dealing with jealousy?

I will say that when it comes to navigating relationships, the most important thing is open and honest communication. Did you ever talk to him about the feelings of jealousy you were having? When it comes to jealousy, it is important to recognize that it's our own issue to deal with, not something to make our partner try to handle for us -- but being open about how we're feeling in a relationship is important because it allows us to build trust, and to also work together to make the relationship into a good fit for us. Going forward, do you think you two are able to talk more openly and honestly with each other about how you're feeling? It is also important to talk about what kind of relationship you are looking for with each other, and what expectations you have for that relationship -- so that you can work out if you do both want the same thing.

We have an excellent article about communication, and although it's about talking about sex, it can also be applied to other areas of relationships, so I think it may help you out:
Be a Blabbermouth! The Whats, Whys and Hows of Talking About Sex With a Partner
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