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Plan B

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Plan B

Unread post by Lucy1212 »

Hi. I know Plan B is not 100% effective though I do have some questions about it.

My Boyfriend and I had sex on on July 31st. He wore a condom, pulled out and masturbated to finish. We filled it up with water and squeezed and then water came out of a little hole. I'm not sure if filling it caused it or it happened during sex. 1 hour after I took Plan B One Step. My last period was June 30th-July 3rd. My average cycle is about 34 days. It can range between 29-45 days.

I did not have any symptoms of Plan B no bleeding or anything. 5 days after Plan B and intercourse my breast began to get sore. 9 days after intercourse and Plan B my breast are still sore and no period. Does Plan B delay your period, or could I be pregnant? When would it be enough time to take a test? Thanks.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Johanna »

How soon you can take a test depends on the individual test, but usually the earliest is 14 days after a risk.

It is very likely that filling the condom with water is what caused the breakage. It's pretty obvious when a condom breaks, so had it happened during sex, you probably would have noticed.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Lucy1212 »

If a condom broke during sex would it create a bigger rip than just a small hole?
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Johanna »

Yes. When a condom breaks, it tends to burst like a balloon.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Lucy1212 »

Ok so it is possible the hole happened after he pulled out?
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Johanna »

I'd be willing to bet that the hole appeared when you filled the condom with water. That water test really doesn't do any good, as like I said, you'll notice if a condom breaks during sex. All that test is likely to do is bust the condom and make you freak out. So, I'd not be worried about that hole, especially given that your partner did not ejaculate inside the condom anyway.

Besides, you've already done what you can by taking Plan B. if you're still worried, all that's left for you now is to wait until you can take a preganncy test. If you'd like, we can also talk about whether you feel comfortable with the level of risk of the sexual activities you're engaging in, and whether you'd be interested in exploring other options for birth control to double up your protection.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Lucy1212 »

Thank you for your replies. My boyfriend and I have decided to refrain from sex until we are able to take care of the consiquences. I was not extremely worried until I started looking on Google and saw many unfortunate possibilities about condom breakage/holes/leaks ect.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Redskies »

Sounds like a lot of that information you've been looking at is incorrect and unhelpful. When condoms are used and stored correctly, breakages are actually very rare. Condoms are also designed not to leak, and they undergo strict quality control. For information about correct condom usage and storage, and the real deal about their effectiveness, check out Condom Basics: A User's Manual and Condoms

That said, if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about any possible risks from sex, it's absolutely wise to take it off the table and only do things you Are completely comfortable with.

We really suggest staying far away from basically all of the non-specialist sexuality and contraception "information" on the internet: there's a LOT of misinformation out there. When you're wanting information, make sure you get it from a reputable, educated source. More on that, if you want it: Legit or Unfit? Finding Safe, Sound Sex Educators & Support Online

Condoms are designed to be robust for sexual activity (as long as enough lubricant is used, for example). They are NOT designed to withstand being filled with water and squeezed. So, if you fill a condom with water and squeeze it... chances are, it's going to get a hole and break. The only thing that tells you is that it's not designed to cope with that! It tells you nothing about the condom's suitability for use during sex. The "water test" seems to have become a thing over the last few years, but it's actually a load of baloney and entirely pointless: it's another piece of misinformation. The only thing "water testing" a condom is going to do is possibly break a condom that absolutely did its job during sex, and give you a pile of worry for no reason.
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