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Did I start my pill correctly?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:42 am
by margaloves
Hello everyone! I hope someone here can help me. This is my first time to take a contraceptive pill and although my OB Gynecologist explained that I should take the pills from left to right, I still got confused when I saw the pack. I don't really know which 'left' she's talking about so I just decided to start on the first "Sunday" pill. I am using Diane 35. Please help me, I'm really worried that I made a mistake. I took a picture of it just so I can give you a better idea of where I started. Here's a link:

I also have 2 more question :oops:
1. My doctor told me I should wait 10 days after I started taking pills before I can have unprotected sex (without condoms) with my bf. We're both free from any types of sti. I started on Sunday, 3 days after my period. I kept seeing posts that first-time pill takers should wait until they finish the whole pack before they engage in unprotected sex. So, should I really wait for a month or do you think its safe to wait 10 days just like what my obgyne said?

2. Am I safe during the 7 pill-free days and the week after that (where I start my next pack of pills)? Is it okay to have sex without condoms? I take the pill exactly the same time everyday. 10:10 PM. So I assume I use it perfectly.

I hope someone can help me! Thank you!

Re: Did I start my pill correctly?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:13 am
by Redskies
Welcome to the boards, margaloves.

(The same people read and answer all the boards at Scarleteen, so you only need to ask a question once, on one board.)

In Diane 35, all the active pills - so, all 21 pills - are the same. That means it's fine to start with any pill.

Scarleteen recommends finishing the first pack before relying on the pill for its full effectiveness. Especially if someone isn't in the habit of taking a daily medication, it can be very easy to miss a pill, and that would impact its effectiveness. Waiting that whole pack allows room to get used to taking the pill, and maybe making a mistake, without having a big concern about pregnancy risk. It's essential to wait the days the doctor told you to; whether you choose to wait only those days or to follow our recommendation is up to you, and depends on what you feel comfortable with.

If you take the pill correctly (so, all 21 pills, one per day at the correct time), your pill will be effective contraception all the time, including during your pill-free days. For more information on how the pill works, you can read our information:
How do birth control pills really work, even during the placebo period?
Three questions about taking the birth control pill (and plenty of answers)

If you and your partner tested negative for STIs (because negative test results are the only way to know for sure), and you've both been exclusive for all kinds of sex since those tests and for 6 months prior, then yes, you're all good per our recommendations for safer sex and not using condoms with a partner. Usually, we'd suggest not ditching condoms as soon as you start taking the pill: it's more common for someone to make a mistake in the first months of using it, and continuing with condoms gives you a back-up and protection from pregnancy it that happens. It depends what level of pregnancy risk you feel comfortable with: the pill is a very effective contraceptive, but no contraceptive method is guaranteed. For people who really don't want to become pregnant, we suggest using two methods, because then the risk is tiny. The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method gives you the full scoop on that!

Re: Did I start my pill correctly?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:53 am
by margaloves
thank you so much for answering all my questions!! I'm less worried now and more informed than I ever was about this topic. This is such a great website especially for someone who's a newbie to contraceptives like me, I'm really relieved that I stumbled upon this site. Thanks again! :)

Re: Did I start my pill correctly?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:11 am
by Redskies
You're very welcome, and thanks so much for that! If there's anything else you need, we're happy to be here :)