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strange period??

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strange period??

Unread post by misskitty »

i recently posted about a late period, & about a week later i did finally get a period... or so i thought it was. my period came about a whole week late, & was just brown discharge. it was heavy for a day & 1/2 but then was very light & them stopped. there was no actual period that followed it either. i also stopped taking birth control a little over a month ago, could it be from that? also, i had a pregancy scare way back in the beginning of may, but have had normal periods since. why did i have such a weird period this time/lack of one?
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Re: strange period??

Unread post by taylor_alyse »


it is normal to have odd cycles after getting off birth control, including late/short/light periods. other factors can also contribute to this, like stress, weight change, etc. it also can take several years after first getting your period to have a "normal" cycle.
have you seen this article? ... _my_period

if you have had normal periods, it isn't a pregnancy scare :)
Nothing happens in the "real" unless it first happens in the images in our heads -Gloria Anzaldúa
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Re: strange period??

Unread post by misskitty »

okay thank you so much!
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