Can you ejaculate in a condom?

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Can you ejaculate in a condom?

Unread post by Silerboy97 »

My girlfriend and I had sex on Monday August 4th. I wore a condom and as soon as I ejaculated I pulled right out. I had checked once during intercourse to make sure the condom had not broke or slipped off. As usual after we have sex we water check the condom. Our results were no holes or leakage. My concern is could she get pregnant from me ejaculating inside her with the condom on? I know this is a silly question because that is what condoms are for, but still what is the likelihood of her being pregnant. She is not on birth control either. She is taking it fine but as you can see I'm not. Please help in anyway possible.
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Re: Can you ejaculate in a condom?

Unread post by Onionpie »

Hi Silerboy, welcome to scarleteen! The effectiveness of condoms, and an explanation of how exactly they work to stop pregnancy, can be found here: Condoms. If the condom was used for all genital contact and did not slip off or break (so it sounds like this is the case here) then that counts as "perfect use". Also remember that the effectiveness stats are about birth control use over one full year, not just one instance.

I also suggest going over this article so that you can really absorb and understand what has to happen for a pregnancy risk to occur: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide. I think it will help clarify this for you and hopefully help you feel better.
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