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Red Day

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:03 am
by Sunshine
So, today (for a certain reason ;) ), I was thinking of something one of my teachers did with her daughters. When they first got their periods, she took then out and celebrated "red day" with them, they went and had red ice cream, bought red candy, a pair of red underwear, that sort of thing.

I kind of like that... and because my period is uncomfortable enough, I have decided to celebrate Red Day every time it starts and generally use that day to pamper myself a bit. So now, at least I don't just think "oh shit, not that again, and besides, why don't I ever have tampons with me the one time I really need them?", I also get to think: "oh great, I get to indulge today, eat ice cream and when I get home I'll just lie down on the sofa and eat chocolate and skip my exercises."

Does anybody else do this kind of thing?

Re: Red Day

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:19 am
by Heather
There are a lot of cultural traditions that support making menstruation a time of rest and solitude, and/or a time when women (even though some people get periods who don't identify as women) connect with each other.

I think that, and what you're doing, is pretty cool, too, and am a fan of taking that time as a sort of message from your body to just chill out and care for yourself. It's not like anyone couldn't stand more built-in opportunities for self-care! :)