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Unread post by Tracy56 »

Hi scarleteen I just want so clarification if you can get a STD throught clothing?
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Re: Std

Unread post by Onionpie »

Hi Tracy! Welcome to the boards! STIs cannot be passed through clothing with the exception of pubic lice (also known as "crabs") although that is also pretty rare. We have a great article that addresses ways that are likely to pass on STIs here: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?

We also have a series of articles on the main site called "The STI Files" that provides information about all STIs and how they can be spread, so if you're interested in getting more information on a particular STI, you can search for that on the main site using the search bar.
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Re: Std

Unread post by Tracy56 »

Thank you so much for your quick reply and I will definitely go through those Links to learn more
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Re: Std

Unread post by Onionpie »

You're welcome! Happy I could help! :D
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Re: Std

Unread post by Tracy56 »

I have read through the articles and it help me a lot. I
Just want to know if you can make something more clear to me. Is manual sex just fingerings or handjobs if it is what is it if both people are wearing clothes and just fondling and stroking a person's genitals?
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Re: Std

Unread post by Onionpie »

Manual sex is when a person's hands are making contact with their partner's genitals. If they're touching the person's genitals through clothing, then that's a kind of manual sex -- manual sex through clothing!
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