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Infection scare!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:42 am
by h_17
I've been experiencing bleeding between periods for some time now. I've been to the doctor about it and she asked the obvious questions about whether I have had sex or not etc. I have not had sex but have had oral sex. However, I explained that my boyfriend and I have never engaged in sexual activity with anyone but each other. She did not seem concerned about this and has even explained to me before that STI's don't tend to just pop up out of nowhere and that I should be fine if we have not had sex with anyone else.

However, I noticed that she ticked a box for chlamydia/gonnorhea on my swab test sheet (she gave me a self swab test to do and said they would normally check for any infections) as well as another box (can't remember what this said). I have received a message on my answer phone from the medical centre saying I should make an appointment but I can't phone them until a few days time. They said they would only call back if they found anything and that they would not phone me if my results were all clear.

I'm now really scared that I have chlamydia or gonnorhea even though I was led to believe it was unlikely in my situation. Is there anything else it could be that is NOT an STI such as a simple infection or perhaps thrush? It would really put my mind at ease until I have to go see the doctor :(

Re: Infection scare!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:29 pm
by Heather
This is just something you're going to have to wait out until you talk to them, I'm afraid. There are a wide array of reasons they are asking you to make another appointment, and we just can't guess about this.

Re: Infection scare!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:02 pm
by h_17
So it is possible to have an STI even though we have not had sexual contact with others?

Re: Infection scare!

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:44 am
by Ashleah
Hi h_17,

Yes it is possible, but very unlikely(for no sexual contact). If you want a more detailed answer you can find it here. ... ave_an_sti

For future reference, there is a link to an article that will tell you the risk associated with different types of sexual contact.

But as Heather said,there is no way that we can know why they want you to make another appointment. I know it's hard to wait it out, but I'd suggest trying to stay away from the internet and/or searching for answers bc it will likely cause more anxiety.