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Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:07 am
by polkadots123
I am a college student home for the summer. My boyfriend and I do not get to see each other very often, and it's difficult for us to find the time or place to have sex when we are together. There have been two times over the past two months that we have been able to start having sex, but were short on time and had to stop both occasions. My concern is that after each of these two times, I have been bleeding. I wouldn't say it's as much as I would during my period, but it's more than light spotting. For example, we had sex around 8pm last night, I noticed a little blood after we stopped, and more of it was still there when I got up this morning. This also happened the last time we had sex. I'm on birth control and take it perfectly.
Is there a reason why this is happened? Not lubricated enough? Moving too fast and irritating something? I just want to make sure I'm ok and I'm not sick. Thank you!

Re: Bleeding

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:17 am
by Ruth
Insufficient lubrication and irritation are both reasons that bleeding can happen after intercourse - if you're short on time it's very possible that you're not having sufficient time to become fully aroused, which means that you could be both lacking in lubrication and not fully relaxed muscle-wise, which can cause abrasion from penetration.

Re: Bleeding

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:59 am
by polkadots123
Ok, thank you!
So is it normal for the bleeding to last as long as it has?

Re: Bleeding

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:11 am
by Ruth