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About birth control and bleeding

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:56 pm
by margaloves
Hi there. I am on my 14th day of taking BCP right now. 3 days ago i noticed that i was bleeding brownish blood with some bits and pieces if those solid blood that comes out when you have your menstrual period. I am also experiencing minor cramps. Do you think this is normal? And is it safe to have unprotected sex? My ob adviced me to wait 10 days after taking pills before i engage in unprotected sex. I'm on my 14th day now and this happened so I'm not sure of this affects the pill's effectivity. I hope someone can answer me.

Re: About birth control and bleeding

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:23 am
by Redskies
A little mid-cycle bleeding or spotting is a common side-effect of the pill, especially during the first few months of taking it while your body is still adjusting. So, what you're describing isn't any cause for concern. Of course, it's good to make sure you're current with your STI testing, so you can know you don't have infections.

Bleeding or spotting while on the pill means nothing per your contraceptive coverage, and has no impact on effectiveness.

We do recommend completing your first pack of pills before relying on your pill as a main contraceptive method, because that's the way we can best help our users avoid unintended pregnancy. As I said when you asked about this before, whether you choose to do that or only wait the essential minimum that the doctor told you is up to you.

Whether it's "safe" to have intercourse without condoms depends on what you mean by safe. In typical use, the pill is 91% effective over a whole year, while the pill and condom together are 98-99% effective. So, it's up to you what level of protection you feel comfortable with. For people who really don't want to become pregnant, we suggest using two methods, because that's the way to make the chance of pregnancy as small as possible.

Too, "safe" isn't just about pregnancy: it's also about STIs. We recommend continuing to use condoms until both partners have been exclusive for at least six months and tested negative.

Re: About birth control and bleeding

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:28 am
by margaloves
Thanks again for giving helpful answers! :) i have a follow up question though, is it ok to start a new pack a day earlier than scheduled? I'm supposed to start my next pack on Saturday 10PM but I want to start my pack this Friday instead at 9PM. Will that have any negative effects? Thanks in advance!

Re: About birth control and bleeding

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:39 am
by Sam W
Hi margaloves,

Glad you found the answers helpful :) As for starting your pill, I would say stick to starting it on Saturday, unless you've asked a doctor or pharmacist about starting it a day earlier.