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Nothing seems right and I'm worried sick!

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:08 pm
by concerned
Okay, so the past 3 months I've had irregular periods. My last period was normal, came when I expected it. Before all my periods these past months I've had cramps, which I know are a sign of PMS but I usually don't get them. Before my most recent period, I also had really sore breasts and back pain, as well as nausea (which went away once my period started). In the middle of my period I had a day where I was suddenly really thirsty. Now, right at the end of my period, these past few days I've been lightheaded (thought I was going to pass out a few times), had headaches, been really hungry even if I ate 2 hours ago, and I get really thirsty at night. I originally thought maybe I have an ovarian cyst, which would explain the weird nausea, breast soreness and cramps I got before my period, as well as the headaches. But I'm worried sick now because I'm afraid I have diabetes or something because of the hunger and the thirst at night. I've been trying to drink a lot of water because of my dizziness (thinking I have been dehydrated) but I've been going to the bathroom as usual, maybe only one more time per day because of the increased water. Some days it's just normal. the past 2 days I have felt my heart rate go up for no reason, not sure if this is just anxiety or something else. I have mild anxiety and I'm really terrified that something is wrong with me but I'm afraid to go to the doctor. I have the irrational fear that I could be pregnant even thought I have never done anything sexual (I swam in a public pool but you aren't supposed to get pregnant from that) and since I've had a normal period since I know I definitely am not pregnant. Nothing feels right and I really hope it's just cysts but I was googling my symptoms and now I'm terrified I might have diabetes. one of my uncles has it, but I am active, I exercise a lot, my diet is relatively good, and I'm not overweight. I don't know what's wrong with me and I'm freaking out a little. Do you think my symptoms could be caused by an ovarian cyst? the only one that doesn't match up is the hunger and that's what's scaring me the most. Please help! I know you can't diagnose me but I would appreciate any thoughts you have on the matter. Has anyone withs cysts had the same symptoms? I know I sound crazy but I'm really worried.

Re: Nothing seems right and I'm worried sick!

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:33 pm
by Ashleah
Hi Concerned,

Sorry the pas couples of days have been so rough :( Sounds like you might be in need of some self care. This article is a great overview if this is not something you are already use to doing: ... a_la_carte

But one thing I'd recommend is stepping away from Google or the internet if you have been doing so. Often, if not most of the time, it can make these fears worse!

As you already know, we can not diagnose you or take the place of a medical doctor. Although you prefer not to, if you are concerned your next step is to see a doctor. There really is no way around this for proper healthcare!

What I can tell you is that it is not unusual for our bodies to do different things, especially when it comes to periods. Just because something hasn't happened doesn't mean that it won't. What I can also tell you is that it is not unusual for someone to become hyper aware of their body and what it is doing or perceived to be doing when they are coming from an anxious place.