Bleeding for several weeks?

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Bleeding for several weeks?

Unread post by Shublies »

Hi, I'm new. My name is Shelby.

Recently, I got the implant and switched from nuva ring. I went a month without birth control during the switch.

Then, a week and a half later than it should have been, I bled for just one day and it stopped.

Nearly a week later, which despite being very careful and safe, I was scared into getting my first pregnancy test. There was no way I was pregnant but there's always that irrational fear (the test was negative, of course).

Then, a week later I started bleeding and still haven't stopped. It's been three weeks of gross, dark brown blood. I know prolonged bleeding is normal with the implant, but am a little concerned.

The most frustrating thing is that I'm not bleeding enough to use tampons. It's so light that I hardly need anything, but if I go without, things get gross. I hate pads so much. I've never really worn them, which has added more discomfort to the whole thing.

Is there anything I can do to get the bleeding to stop? I know the implant takes three months to really show how it's going to be for the next three years, so I've not really considered going to the doctor's.

Mostly annoyed, I am worried.
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Re: Bleeding for several weeks?

Unread post by Heather »

Welcome to the boards, Shelby. :)

This really does sound to most likely be the common side effect of the implant or other progestin-only methods. And for some people using them, that will stop or slow down in time, while for others, it'll always be a side effect they have.

So, what I'd suggest is that you put in a call to your sexual healthcare provider who gave you the implant and check in with them about this. You will want to make sure you're current with STI tests and general exams, just to rule out other causes, too.

In the meantime, have you ever looked into natural sea sponges as an alternative to pads or tampons? They are internal, like tampons, but because you moisten them first, they can work for very light flow tampons don't work so well for. It may be that you just need some time to get comfy with pads, but if you'd like to look into something else, those may be a good fit for this situation.
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Re: Bleeding for several weeks?

Unread post by Shublies »


Thank you!

I'm very up to date with all my tests. The past two days have seemingly gotten lighter, but I'm not completely sure. (I'd hate to jinx it.)

I'm going to try to get more used to pads for now, but will consider sponges
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Re: Bleeding for several weeks?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Shublies,

You might also try cloth pads (you do have to wash them, but many people find them comfier than standard pads). You can usually find those and sponges at "natural" grocery stores, although lately I've been seeing them in some big box stores. And, of course, there's the internet. I hope you find something that works for you :)
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