late period??

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late period??

Unread post by kawasie »

Hi! So, my period is a couple days late. I have had (protected) sex, and done (unprotected) anal. Recently I have been under a little stress, as well as using bath bombs. The bath bombs has caused a little irritation, plus some discharged. I have been having some cramps. Idk what's going on but I'm a little nervous. I need help please!
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Re: late period??

Unread post by Heather »

By "a couple days late" do you mean a couple days more than you're expecting it? I ask because in reproductive healthcare, a "late" period is one that has not arrived five or more days later than the very latest a person is expecting it. That's because the most regular of cycles have about a 2-3 day standard deviation (in other words, someone with regular cycles expecting their period on a Tuesday could sill get it Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and still be very regular), and because a lot of people also don't chart cycles properly or can't because they have irregular cycles as their normal.

Bath bombs aren't something that will have any impact on menstrual cycles, which are mostly about the endocrine system and hormones it creates and shifts that aren't related to things like baths or what anyone puts in them.

Ideally, you want to avoid unprotected anal sex, as that presents very high risks of infections. And since you've been part of that, do make sure you are getting regular STI testing. But this, and vaginal intercourse, is something else that won't change when periods arrive unless it resulted in a pregnancy.
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Re: late period??

Unread post by kawasie »

For a while my period as been rather regular (around the 20th-27th), however in August I started early due to stress (the 6th). Or maybe I'm thinking of this all wrong. Would my period go back to later in the month or around the last I started last month?
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Re: late period??

Unread post by Heather »

So, sounds like you aren't charting properly (you do so based on the number of days in each cycle, not by what dates it's come up on), or aren't getting that if a period happens around the same dates for many months, it's actually irregular, since the number of days in each month varies so a regular period won't stay around the same dates for long.

Here's more to clear that up for you: ... e_or_is_it
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Re: late period??

Unread post by kawasie »

Thank you!!
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Re: late period??

Unread post by Heather »

Yep! :)

Need any help setting up those STI screenings?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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