Birth control and periods

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Birth control and periods

Unread post by Rainbowhooves »

Hello again,

So I recently have been having pain on my abdominal and was given birth control to start ruling out things.

I went into the doctors on the 10th. The doctors did a pregnancy test with my urine and a strip. It was negative.
I had sex on the 10th and the 11th.
Today is the 12th and my period is now 2-3 days late. I took my first birth control pill on the 10th .

Is it possible that the birth control is delaying my period ?
I've had protected sex through out the month with condoms + pull out.

Any idea whats going on? Was the last pregnancy test now valid?
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Re: Birth control and periods

Unread post by Heather »

I really think with all your health concerns, and how complex some of them are, it's going to be best for you to be talking with them with your doctors. I don't know why you'd be asking if the pregnancy test they ran was valid or not, but if you have concerns about any test a healthcare provider has done, they're the person to bring that to. We just can't stand in for a healthcare provider, as we make clear on the bottom of every page on the site.

Are you not feeling confident in your healthcare provider? Would you like to talk about picking providers you can trust more and feel more able to work actively with when you have health concerns?

I hope they have also explained to you how your pill works, including some common impacts it has, like periods often being a bit wonky for the first few packs of pills, and your old schedule with menstrual periods being somewhat kaput now that what you'll be having are withdrawal bleeds. If they didn't, you can go to the main site here and do a search for "birth control pill" and you will find a LOT of information about this medication.
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