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Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:19 pm
by Dolly68
Hi, I'm traveling soon on a flight that's 10 hours on the way there and 12 hours on the way home. I have heard a lot the risk of flying when on birth control and blood clots. I'm a nervous flyer to begin with. Do you think this is something I really need to worry about? The though of something terrible like that happening on the flight doesn't sit well with me. I am generally healthy besides some acid reflux/digestive issues. Also, I had to switch the time of my pill because the time I take it now is the middle of the night over there. My pharmacist said that I should move my time up by an hour each night until I get to a time that will work abroad. Does that advice sound right to you? I just feel like I want a second opinion. Also, do I need backup protection during that time? I mean till I reach my new time. Thanks for your time:)

Re: Travelling

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:02 am
by Sam W
Hi Dolly,

I would defer to your pharmacist on this about how to adjust the pill time. And no, adjusting by an hour at a time should not compromise it, but if you'd feel more comfortable using a back-up method, that's always an option. As for the fears around blood clots, I would ask you doctor if they feel like you are at a particular risk for them based upon your medical history.

Re: Travelling

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:02 am
by Dolly68
Ok thanks so much. I'll ask the doctor that. I appreciate your help

Re: Travelling

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:45 pm
by Sam W
You're welcome :)