too early ejaculation!

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too early ejaculation!

Unread post by myrealid »

how to enjoy masturbation,i ejaculate too fast,so i dont feel fully satisfact by masturbation,any suggestions?
Sam W
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Re: too early ejaculation!

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi myrealid,

Part of what might help is simply practice, and learning what ways of stimulating your body result in slower or faster ejaculation. I think you might also find this article helpful: ... jaculation
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Re: too early ejaculation!

Unread post by myrealid »

ok but i want to ejaculate when i really wants,any suggestions?
Sam W
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Re: too early ejaculation!

Unread post by Sam W »

For some people, going slowly (so using slower, more gentle motions) helps delay orgasm. Other people, with practice, will stop themselves right before they orgasm and pause for a moment to prolong the process (although other folks find that uncomfortable). It's all about figuring out what works for your body. But, again,that takes practice, and even with practice you won't be able to ejaculate exactly when you want to every time.
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Re: too early ejaculation!

Unread post by myrealid »

why ):
Sam W
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: too early ejaculation!

Unread post by Sam W »

The simple answer is that bodies are not machines, so sometimes they'll act in ways that we don't expect or that don't quite align with what we want from them. Does that make sense?
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