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Playlist for When You're Struggling

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:10 am
by Sam W
Something I've noticed about myself when I have depressive or anxious episodes is that music is really helpful, and I've heard from other people who are going through very rough stuff that music is one of their preferred coping and self-care mechanisms. I thought I'd share my playlist that I use during those moments, and that other folks could share theirs as well.

"Hold On"-Tom Waits
Anything by Gaelic Storm. They're an Irish folk band with mostly upbeat, optimistic songs
"The Young Thousands" "Going to Alaska" "The Legend of Chavo Guerrero" and "This Year" by The Mountains Goats
"Dance Apocalyptic" by Janelle Monae
"Shine Like the Sun" and "Just Leaving" by Dolly Parton

Re: Playlist for When You're Struggling

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:21 am
by Amanda
"This Year" by The Mountain Goats is one of my go-to songs! Really anything by them. "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey is a guilty pleasure/mood booster for me, as is "World's Greatest" by R. Kelly. "i" by Kendrick Lamar is great too.

I also feel that it's important, sometimes, to listen to artists/songs that "get it"-- in other words, they aren't upbeat per se, but they allow you to feel like you aren't alone in your struggles. "I Wish I Was The Moon" by Neko Case does that for me, as does "Everyone is Noah, Everyone is the Ark" by Moonface.

Re: Playlist for When You're Struggling

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:47 am
by Sunshine
Music is really powerful. At least for me.

I don't turn to music so much to be "cheered up" as to feel understood. The "getting it" part is really important for me. Also, I really like songs that to take me past my current situation and re-shift my focus on the big picture. Not optimistic pieces exactly, but the kind that tell you it will all be okay eventually, some time, somewhere.

And just being reminded that there is such a thing as music in the world makes me feel better, as do flowers or pictures or anything beautiful.

Here are some of my "crisis songs":

"Heroes" by David Bowie (and yes, I did get that from the film adaptation of The Perks of being a Wallflower. It's one of my favorite movies - and books.)
"Drive" by Incubus. A friend and I used that when we were teens to promise ourselves that we wouldn't do anything stupid when we were feeling bad, because it has the lines "whatever tomorrow brings, I will be there, with open arms and open eyes." That's a promise I always felt I could make, to just be there. Not necessary be well or be happy or be functional, but just hang on and try to stay brave.
"Into the West" from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. If all else fails, I find it comforting to be reminded that it will all be over some day. Life is so short... might as well stick around until it ends.

Re: Playlist for When You're Struggling

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:31 pm
by Kaizen
"Drive" is a great one. Also by Incubus, I like "The Warmth".

"Hold Your Head Up" by Argent and "You're Only Human" by Billy Joel are both upbeat, groovy motivating songs. (There's a cool story about that second one: at one point Billy Joel stumbles over the words and then rushes to finish the line. They kept that in the finished song because it fits perfectly with the next line: "We're only human, we're supposed to make mistakes!")

"Feeling Stronger Every Day" by Chicago is about a breakup, but I find it works well for a general pick-me-up because of how it starts off slow and flowy, and goes through two verses and choruses that way, and then the beat speeds up and the brass is blasting out, and "I do believe I'm feeling stronger every day" gets transformed into a peppy "Feeling stronger every day! You know I'm all right now!"

Re: Playlist for When You're Struggling

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:19 pm
by Luckywolf
Ooh I have quite a collection of these. And several categories.

Angry Songs-They’re not all “angry” sounding but they are generally the songs play when you’re so upset you want to scream for hours but it’s also too much work or feels like that won’t even help. They’re also the songs I play when I’m too numb to even begin processing how I feel. These tend to be songs that are loud.
“Raised by Wolves” by Falling in Reverse
“Sell Your Soul” by Hollywood Undead-This is a really great song for those times when you feel like all the negative, hurtful judgment is coming your way.
“Headstrong” Trapt and cover by Linkin Park-Either is good. As far as youtube results go, I can’t tell the difference.
“Pain” by Three Days Grace
“I Will Not Bow” by Breaking Benjamin

Processing Songs-Pretty much what the title says. These are the songs I like to have an optimistic feel to or the sense that things will get better some day or as Sunshine says, the “getting it” songs.
“Perfect” by Simple Plan-For those times when you’re not perfect and people can’t accept that.
“Dear Agony” by Breaking Benjamin-There are periods where this song just gets me.
“Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park
“You’re Not Alone” by Soasin-This song gets me and it’s quite optimistic in the end.
“Why” by Secondhand Serenade
“White Horse” by Taylor Swift-I think this is a song about love and break ups that relates well to real and not about the perfect, clear cut, break up. It’s for the messy things and the break ups that change how a person relates to their ex going forward.
“Fight Song” by Rachel Platten
“Catch My Breath” by Kelly Clarkson-This is an upbeat song, which is nice sometimes, about going through awkward, ugly situations so you can get to the other side.
“Kick Me” by Sleeping With Sirens
“Just Like You” by Three Days Grace-“I could be mean. I could be angry. You know I could be just like you…You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you.”
“Just Like You” by Falling in Reverse-This is a great song about not being perfect but being happy, and not listening to jerks. It’s also about we’re all imperfect humans, you’re like me, I’m like you.
“How to Save a Life” by The Fray
“King” by Lauren Aquilina-“There’s so much more…put all your faults to bed.” “You don’t gain a single thing from misery.”
“F*cking Perfect” by P!nk-This song is great. It tells people not to listen if someone says you’re worthless, because we care. You are worthwhile.
“Used” by Paradise Fears-An angry love song that I think gets it. Plus, Paradise Fears is just a really great band.
“Speeding Cars” by Imogen Heap-I LOVE THIS SONG! To me this song is about healing and perservering and loving yourself for who you are and finding people who love and accept you for who you are. This song is amazing.
“Save You” by Simple Plan
“The Kill” by 30 Seconds to Mars
“Try” by P!nk-For those hard break ups or after a less than healthy relationship. I feel it’s about trusting yourself to go on and to find new or better relationships.
“I’m Not the One” by 3Oh!3
“Dirty Little Secret” by The All-American Rejects-“I’ll keep you my dirty little secret…who has to know?”
“It Ends Tonight” by The All-American Rejects

Optimistic Songs-Again, what it says on the can. These are also songs that have the feel of “this world’s pretty messed up, but it’s also so incredibly wonderful.”
“Battle Scars” by Paradise Fears-This is a song that says it’s okay if you’ve messed up, that doesn’t have to be the end of the story.
“Sanctuary” by Paradise Fears
“Really Don’t Care” by Demi Lavato ft. Cher Llyod-This is a great “take that” song.
“Strays” by Sleeping With Sirens-To me this song is about finding people who care about you and not letting the negativity get you down.
“The Story of Us” by Taylor Swift-Really describes those relationships that ended…awkwardly. This song really gets me right now. The music video fits the song really well.
“Warrior” by Paradise Fears
“You to Believe In” by Paradise Fears-I love this song. It was written with imaginary friends in mind. It’s about how they kept us going when we were little and about how they can still keep us going. The music video, and the interview on their VEVO, makes this obvious.
“Before the Dawn” by Evanescence
“Move Along” by The All-American Rejects
“Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson

Some songs overlap categories or don’t fit into any.
“Numb” by Linkin Park- An Angry and Processing song.
“In the End” by Linkin Park- An Angry and Processing song.
“This Time It’s Different” by Evans Blue- An Angry and Processing song.
“Shadows” by Red- An Angry and Processing song.
“Dear Agony” by Breaking Benjamin-An Angry and Processing song.
“Heroine” by Sleeping With Sirens
“Dance With the Devil” by Breaking Benjamin
“Had Enough” by Breaking Benjamin- An Angry and Processing song.
“We Are” by Hollywood Undead
“In the End” by Black Veil Brides
“Falling Inside the Black” by Skillet-An Angry and Processing song.
“Bleed It Out” by Linkin Park- An Angry and Processing song.
“Words” by Skylar Gray-To me it’s about a relationship that ended with regrets and “what if I’d said…”

I tried to write a little bit about why I’ve listened to each of these when I’m upset or why I feel they’d be good listening in difficult times, but the list just got so long. Anyway, here’s my Playlist for When You’re Struggling.