Possible STD YEARS later?

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Possible STD YEARS later?

Unread post by Lanakins »

Recently, i've been having bumps on the outer lips of my vagina.
This usually happens after I shave, they could possibly be ingrown hairs or even pimples (if thats possible)
they sometimes even pop like pimples! if not they're just red irritated bumps like ingrown hairs
but now i'm terrified that they could be herpes!
i've never had sexual intercourse, only genital to genital contact and I know the risks of infections from that
but the last time that's happened to me was literally years ago! around 6 years ago!
is it possible for me to break out from herpes 6 YEARS LATER after sexual contact?

I made an appointment tomorrow so i could be 100% and i hope i can get a blood test and a vaginal exam for my piece of mind.

and if not possible, how common are pimples down there?
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Re: Possible STD YEARS later?

Unread post by Heather »

That's not very likely, no. But what is possible is that you didn't notice an initial outbreak, and are only now having another one. But that's not all that likely, either. Plus, herpes sores aren't usually going to occur on areas that are epidermis, which is most of the outer labia, but on or just around mucous membrane, which is the kind of tissue found on the inner labia, and around your genital orifices, like the vagina and anus.

So, if you're shaving your outer labia, and seeing bumps where you do, then a) that area is not likely mucous membrane, so you can probably rule out herpes sores, and b) if they look like pimples or ingrown hairs, they probably are. Not only do herpes sores not look at all like either of those (and they certainly don't get a head one can pop), but it's very common for people to get pimples or ingrown hairs on that area of the genitals, all the more so if and when they shave.

Just FYI, though, when you have a pimple, ingrown hair, or sore you can't identify on your genitals, you really don't want to be squeezing it. All that does is open it up to infection, or push the skin infection further into the skin, where it can more easily spread, landing you with more bumps than you started with. So, best bet: check with your healthcare provider and leave them alone. If you want some relief from them, a warm compress is the way to go, not squeezing.
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Re: Possible STD YEARS later?

Unread post by Lanakins »

Thank you so much heather for assuring me. I do have an appointment tomorrow with my local sexual health clinic. It's making me very anxious.

I looked up genital herpes on the web right now to see images, and the majority of them dont look like what i have. Herpes look like ulcers and blisters. The ones i get are only on the outer side where the hair grows, i've never gotten any sort of bump on the inside
but id rather be safe than sorry and get it checked out
The bumps i do get, i tend to pop them when i know i shouldnt, i know that for next time!

i've gotten recently for chlamydia and gonorrhea, all negative.
i got tested because of burning sensation after peeing
everything was ruled out, even a UTI.
so now i'm thinking what if it's maybe herpes? but then again its been so long so i dont even know!

if i dont have a sore/pimple now, will a blood test be accurate?
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Re: Possible STD YEARS later?

Unread post by Heather »

So yep, it's very safe to say Herpes sores aren't what you're looking at there, both based on the appearance and the location.

Burning after peeing won't be something caused by Herpes unless you have active sores inside or on your urethra. But hopefully the healthcare provider you saw knows you are still having burning, and is still working with you to figure out why?

Most of the time they're not going to do a test for Herpes since a) they're not very accurate (that's mostly because it's so common, many of us are exposed to it all the time so will always have the antibodies most tests look for), and b) it's not an infection that puts most people's health in danger. If you or your provider aren't seeing any indication of herpes -- read: sores -- it's one of those there's just no need to test someone for unless they do have a health condition that would make it dangerous for them. But that's something you can discuss with them.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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