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Please help

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:20 pm
by Dandelion
I'm panicking. I saw him at a store. The guy who hurt me. He didnt approach me. He was with a woman and a little boy. I guess his wife or gf. He just smiled at me. I felt frozen. I never wanted to see him again. What if he lives in my neighborhood. I was with my sister.

I'm home now. And I am just overwhelmed and I dont know why I'm here asking for help. I don't need help I guess. I just am freaking out. I feel like I can't breathe. I hate it. I can just see it all. Feel it all happening again. I want it to stop. I want it to please stop.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:52 pm
by Karyn
Hey, Dandelion. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and it's totally okay to come here and talk about it, although there's a pretty limited amount we can do.

One thing that can help when you're panicking is to do some grounding exercises, like the ones here: (Pandora's Project is a pretty great resource more generally, actually, and you might find it a really useful community. They focus just on helping survivors of sexual assault and abuse, and they have message boards as well as a live chat room.)