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Does my ex want me back?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:22 pm
by Confusedwoman12
We were together in 2013 for a few months and then we split

It was a mutual decision an didn't end on bad terms. It was because of uni and distance

We hadn't spoke for a while and then he message me(July 2015) saying about a sequal of a film being made (which the first film was what we watched together on first that suggesting we should see the second one together)

Then he wanted to skype and so did I...the first skype session lasted abou 5 hours

and then we skyped another 3 times sinse about the same duration

He'd bring up memories on what we did in our relationship and so did i

He always message me first and now we're meeting up next week and we was like "it's been so long"

Is it just friendly catch up? or does he have feelings for me? Im starting to get feelings for him again but I don't want to over think the situation

Thanks, please respond. I am so confused :S

Re: Does my ex want me back?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:35 pm
by Ashleah
Hi Confusedwoman12,

The only person that can answer this question for you is your ex! We, and even you, can't know what he is feeling. Although I know it can feel awkward, I always think it is best to just get everything out on the table. If it is a conversation you are comfortable having you can just ask him about the sudden contact or share your feelings with him.