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Throwing up

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:21 pm
by loveyoruxx
Hello! So i am a birth control pill user and have been since May. I always take my pills and i havent missed one. It usually around the same time everyday.

Today i threw up a couple times. I did at 630pm and 800pm. My two concerns are will it effect my pills and why am i puking?

today is a sunday so i started my sugar pill week. I am concerned that the throwing up will mess up the pills..

I dont know why i am puking. I hop3 it is not because i am pregnant. Because everytime me and my boyfriend have sex we use spermicidal condoms but when we have anal we dont. But even if its anal or vaginal.. HE NEVER CUMS INSIDE! And yes i know anal is dangerous without a condom because of diseases.

Please help!

Re: Throwing up

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:02 pm
by Redskies
Throwing up will only affect your pill if you throw up within a couple of hours of taking an active pill. Otherwise, the hormone has already been absorbed, so there's nothing that throwing up could do to your pill. Sugar pills aren't active pills: they don't have any hormone in them, they're just there to keep you in the habit of taking a pill every day.

We can't know why you're throwing up, because that's a general health issue rather than a seuxal/reproductive health issue. If you're concerned, the best person to ask is a general healthcare provider.

Re: Throwing up

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:09 pm
by loveyoruxx
I took my regular pill on saturday around 4pm. On sunday i threw up at 645pm and then i threw up at 800pm later that night and then i took my sugar pill afterwards. Am i okay?

Re: Throwing up

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:18 pm
by Mo
It sounds like you're saying you vomited over 24 hours after taking a hormone-containing pill, is that correct? As Redskies said above, after it's been a couple hours your pill has been absorbed, so a day later vomiting isn't going to impact that previous day's pill at all.

This is where using condoms comes in handy, though; you can know that if there is any reduced effectiveness in your pill, the condoms are making up for that reduced effectiveness. That's why we suggest that folks double up on birth control. So you're really well-covered here, and pregnancy is unlikely.

Re: Throwing up

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:27 pm
by loveyoruxx
I am a very safe person! Me and my boyfriend use spermicidal condoms and he doesnt cum inside. Plus the pills so i should be fine. Thank you both!