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Condom style difference?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:47 am
by gkc24
Hey there,

I recently tried out a different type of condom for sex. I used the condom properly and correctly and after I ejaculated I noticed that the semen was collecting not just on the tip of the condom but also around the tip of my penis. It wasn't in the shaft area I suppose. The condom fit snuggly on my penis and I don't think it was too big or loose. I did some searching online and found out that this brand of condom has a bigger diameter at the penis head and I guess that's why the semen was collecting around there as well. However I still am a bit concerned about risks of the semen leaking out because I've always been used to seeing the semen only in the tip of the condom. Is it something to be concerned about? The condom definitely stayed on the whole time and did not break or slip off. Thanks!

Re: Condom style difference?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:51 am
by Sam W
Hi gkc24,

As long as the condom did not break or come off, you can assume it did what it was supposed to.