Where can I find info on my state's sex ed policies?
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:52 pm
As someone who values knowledge about taking care of one's body, sexual health is no exception. In my own experiences in public school, the 'sex ed' we were taught was pathetic, highly biased, and misleading. Basically all we learned was what a few diseases are (vague descriptions nothing about testing & treatment), condoms 'can be used, but aren't that effective' (which i knew then & still know is FALSE), emphasis on abstinence, & some stuff about dating violence. Anyways, I live in Ohio, and I am in my late college years. There is a chance I may still live in this state once I have kids of my own. I know this is far off, but i've worried about when the time comes to talk to them about sexual health. My specific worry is if the school they will go to is 'abstinence-only', and I if they are, I want to be sure they aren't in the class, as I would be more comfortable teaching them about sex myself unless they presented medically accurate, unbiased info. So overall, I'm asking: where to find info on state policies, and how one would go about getting info from their school district. Am I crazy for thinking about this? I also think it's good to be informed what's going on where I live.