Question on STD Testing

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Question on STD Testing

Unread post by AltoSax555 »


I'm over 18, but due to house rules I can't leave the house without saying where I'm going, so I can't just go to a clinic. I have a physical coming up (at PAMF) and was wondering if I can ask for an STD test during the physical?

I also would like to know if there's an extra charge and if its noticed on our medical bill? First and foremost, I'd like to know if I can ask for tests during my physical.

Thank you for your comments!
Sam W
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Re: Question on STD Testing

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Altosax,

Those questions are best asked of your doctor. Is there a way that you can call the office before your appointment and ask them those questions, or is that not an option? If it's not, then you can ask during the appointment.

Is it possible to tell your parents you're going "to the doctors office" and really be going to a clinic for a test? Or do they tend to press for details?
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