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Contraception: The best method?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:46 pm
by katkit0598
I was using the "Birth Control Bingo" article and it looks like the Implant is the best method for me. Before I make any decisions however, I'd love to hear about other people's experiences with the implant, or really and notable experiences with birth control that might help me make my decision. The only contraception I've used so far is a condom, so feel like I have alot to learn. :geek:

Im 17, sexually active and going to college next year. I've been searching for a while now. Any input would be appreciated :D .

*Any input specifically related to bleeding/spotting/periods while on BC would be awesome as well*

Re: Contraception: The best method?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:28 pm
by squintern
I've had the implant for over two years now, and I'm definitely getting a new one inserted when the time comes around. I've found it very good in nearly every way. I had pretty regular periods before, and although my cycle has changed slightly, I'm still pretty regular, and a bit lighter flow too, which is nice. I've only had one incident of a few days of unexpected spotting. I really like the fact that it can't be affected by human error, because there's no way I would remember to take a pill every day! The cost is also a bonus for me-- under our healthcare here in Australia I only pay around $40 ($30USD) for the implant itself plus the part of the doctor's fee that isn't covered by the government. Considering that sorts me out for three years, it's a great alternative to coughing up $15-60 every month or every few months for the pill.
I read a lot of really bad stories online before I got mine, including lots of women who were very angry about weight gain, bad acne, spotting, cramps, mood changes, depression, and basically any other side effect you could name. My reasoning was that the logistics worked best for me, and since there's the chance of bad side effects with basically any hormonal birth control, I might as well try that as my first choice and I could always get it removed if it didn't work out. Turns out it was a great choice. The only possible side effect I've had is that the small amount of acne I was getting has become a little more cycle-dependant. Since I can still control it with basic skin care I'm not fussed.

Re: Contraception: The best method?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:48 am
by Redskies
There've been a handful of threads I remember on the boards with people asking about and talking about the implant - and other methods, if you also want to read about those - which I'm sure you can find using the search box :)

There's also a three-part series on the main site where volunteer Karyn blogged about getting and having the implant: ... _in_my_arm ... rge_needle ... he_upgrade

Re: Contraception: The best method?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:58 pm
by katkit0598
Thanks squintern for sharing your experience!! I agree that logistics wise, the implant seems to be the best option for me so far. Its affordable and reliable, two things I really need. Its good to see someone who DIDNT have a bunch of strange side effects with their implant, because most of what I see online is from those who DID experience a lot of side effects.

And also thank you redskies! the blog you linked me to was exactly what I needed.