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STDs - Herpes

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:27 pm
by MM280393
Hi I'm wondering if i could get some advice.
So I haven't had penetrative or oral sex but a few months ago there was some 'hand contact' with a guy where he was touching my clitoris. I toouched his penis and didn't think it seemed abnormal. However recently I've been experiencing a lot of pain in that area and I've noticed raised pimply parts on my inner thighs and what look to me like small sores around the clitoris area.

I've been to an STI clinic and my Doctor and they've both looked but the sores usually only show up late in the day so they didn't see them. They can appear and disappear during outbreaks without much of a pattern so i'm getting really frustrated that I can't seem to get a definite answer.

I'm getting conflicting answers on whether Herpes can be transmitted by the hands or not.

I was tested for a yeast infection, Bacterial Vaginosis and Chlamydia and I was negative for all those... Just wondering how likely would it be to be Herpes?

Re: STDs - Herpes

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:43 pm
by Mo
If someone has herpes and has gotten the virus on their hands, and then touches someone else's genitals, it is possible to spread it that way. It's a less-common way for the virus to spread, but it is possible.

We can't diagnose this for you, though, and we can't really guess at how likely this is to be herpes vs some other issue. I think the best bet may be seeing if you could get a walk-in appointment late in the day some time when you have an outbreak. It certainly sounds like something to have checked out in person, even though the intermittent aspect of the sores makes this tricky.