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Withdrawal bleeding

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Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by manfamain »

Hi Scarleteen,

I've just finished a full pack of my combined pill and am on my 7 day break. It's now the 5th day, on which I always bleed very heavily with heavy cramps, however I'm only having very light bleeding when I wipe and a brown discharge, with extremely light cramps.

I understand this is normal on the pill but I am a bit concerned as after 6+ months I've kept a heavy bleed until now. Should I be worried?
Eddie C
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, manfamain.

Bodies are not machines and they won't act the same all the time and just because something usually doesn't happen it doesn't mean it won't ever happen. So no, nothing to worry about. :)
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by manfamain »

Thank you!
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