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Effectiveness of BC alone?

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Effectiveness of BC alone?

Unread post by ojh22 »

My boyfriend and I have decided to have sex, and I have been on the birth control pill for about 3 months. I've heard from friends (who are also on the pill) that they did not use a condom, but pulled out and had no problems. I have never been sure if there are sperm in precum, but I wanted to know the effectiveness of the BC and pulling out combined... the birth control I take is Minastrin 24 Fe
Eddie C
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Re: Effectiveness of BC alone?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, ojh22.

The answer to that, being in the typical use rate, is around 98.7 %. You can find this and more info about backing up your methods in here: ... ol_with_a_

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