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New to Depo, Vitamins?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:56 pm
by Lanakins
Hello Scarleteen!

I'm now new to the Depo shot after having my Nexplanon implant removed. My health care provider suggested i'd take Vitamins because she mentioned the shot can cause bone thinning?
Can you guys explain what that means and why?
She recommended that I need Vitamin D and Calcium
I don't know why but i'm terrified to take vitamins..but i know I don't get enough calcium since i dont like milk. and i'm sure that I get enough vitamin D since you can get it from the sun.
Do you guys have any recommendations of what brand to take? She said One A Day woman's multivitamin but that has A LOT of vitamins and i only need those two.
And do I HAVE TO take vitamins? What is the consequence if I don't?
She told me I should of been taking vitamins when I was on Nexplanon, but my doctor never told me to when I got inserted.
I have bad health anxiety, so i'm kind of nervous to know what would happen if i do or dont take the vitamins.

Re: New to Depo, Vitamins?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:40 pm
by Sam W
Hi Lanakins,

As far as what type of vitamin to take, the best person to ask is the doctor who made the suggestion (they might be referring to Vitamin D and Calcium supplements, but only they know for sure). They can also give you a better sense of what the pros and cons of taking them are.

I also want to check, are you seeing anyone for your anxiety, like a therapist or counselor?

Re: New to Depo, Vitamins?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:40 am
by Lanakins
I've decided to try vitamin gummies that are rich in vitamin D and calcium. :) I did ask her many questions before I left the clinic and she said that any vitamins that contain these two would be fine.
And yes, I just got off anxiety medication because I wanted to overcome this on my own. I am now going through cognitive behavioral therapy that specifically targets my health anxiety.

Re: New to Depo, Vitamins?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:46 am
by Heather
Just FYI, the potential consequence is early, or earlier, osteoporosis (bone loss). So, yes, there are very sound reasons your doctor suggested this.