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Where to get sexual education online?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:53 pm
by JCf316
The area that I live in has a mandatory "health class," for all freshmen, but we literally only talked about drugs, alcohol, and how to identify stds. What are some other reliable online sources, besides relying entirely on Scarleteen, that I could read through? I would really like to be as educated as possible about my sexual health since it's actually quite a big deal, there's just so much craziness online. Could you please name specifically some online sources for Sex Ed?
I know of Sex Etc. and planned parenthood...anything else? Planned parenthood focuses a lot more on after the fact, how to deal with unplanned pregnancy, which I don't need, and Sex Etc. doesn't have much reading material, just forums.
Help? Thank you!

Re: Where to get sexual education online?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:10 pm
by Heather
Unless you want to branch out outside the United States, you've basically named the three of us who are the primary sources of sex ed online with around the level and diversity of content we offer. (However, most of Sex Etc. is articles, not forums, they're just much shorter than ours, so it might be worth taking another look there.) There are, however, a good many smaller sites for local sex education and public health organizations (for those, you'd just search for your area using a postal code or state) where you can find some good sex ed, as well.

Alas, besides a lot of small DIY projects -- and we just can't speak for the credibility of those -- and video projects (you said reading, so I presumed you didn't mean any of that content) sex ed online just isn't something that's all that available from larger groups or in a big way. It's not a shocker: it's very hard to fund and sustain!

But you might want to look offline, at your local library and in bookstores, where you can find a lot of good sources in print.