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Late period...and never late

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:29 am
by AnnaJo12345
Hi all!

Please bear with me as I try to explain this...

I recently started a new birth control pill after extending my placebo week way too long (I know, it's bad). Around the time I was supposed to get my period again, I started this new pack. I knew it was stupid, but my boyfriend was coming in town and I didn't want to have a period while he was here.

I'm new to being sexually active, and actually having a hard time with sex. It's pretty painful for me, but we're bearing with it and trying to make it work. He's amazing and patient, and I'm so lucky for that.

When he was here last weekend (we are long distance and he arrived about a week ago from today), we attempted sex per usual with a condom, but it didn't work (per usual, haha). Even when it doesn't work, we often remain naked in bed. This past weekend, when we were making out, I could feel him a little wet with pre-ejac and am paranoid that that somehow got inside of me. I could kind of feel it, but I'm not sure. We were both naked and though I tried to make sure there was no genital to genital contact, our genitals would touch here and there. He also jokingly rubbed his penis over my gentials (which I bitched him out for). He never fully came around me, but I know pre-ejac is a risk.

Now that he left, I started my placebo week on my pills two days ago and still have not gotten my period. I ALWAYS get my period on the second day I skip my pill, and now I'm not. I have a terrible cold and have been stressed at work, but usually nothing stops my period. Could it be from messing with my pills so much? Could it be a real pregnancy risk? I know that anytime there's genital to gential contact there's a risk for both pregnancy and STIs, but am I wearing myself thin here?

Any help or advice would be great as I wait for this period and freak out. :(

Re: Late period...and never late

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:37 am
by Sam W
Hi AnnaJo,

So, for the pregnancy worries, the place to start is this article: The Pregnancy Panic Companion . I will say that your body may still be adjusting to the pill, and that can affect your cycle. Too, our periods don't always arrive exactly when we expect them to.

I am a little concerned that he rubbed his penis on your genitals when he knew you were not comfortable with it. Does he tend to do "joking" things like around sex often?