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Crying after sex?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by Potter157
My boyfriend and I have been sexually active for a while now, and we've had sex multiple times without a problem. However, recently I've been feeling extra needy and clingy, and after our most recent time together, I started crying after, and sobbed pretty much the whole way home. It wasn't disappointing or anything, it actually might've been the best we've ever had. I know it's natural to get emotional after sex, but I have never had this reaction before. Is it normal? What does it mean? I'm sorry if I sound stupid, it just really freaked me out that I reacted like this.

Re: Crying after sex?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:08 am
by Sam W
Hi Potter157,

You certainly don't sound stupid. It can be jarring to find yourself reacting so strongly to something like sex, especially if that type of reaction hadn't happened previously.

You mention that you've been feeling clinger recently. Is there something that you think might have triggered that change in your feelings (whether it's directly related to your relationship or not)?