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Cold sore?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:59 pm
by aj2234
Hi there,
I know this is difficult to do without a visual assessment, but I was wondering if you could help save me a trip to the doctor, or make it clearer if I should go or not. On Wednesday evening, my upper lip was tingling (not uncommon - I have a lot of blackheads/open pores on my lips). I scratched it too hard and created a cut which, the following morning, blistered up a bit. I popped the blister, it was painless and clear fluid came out. However, I also tore the skin off my lip. Today (Friday), it looks as if it's healing (red/pink colour, with skin starting to cover it), but it does bleed when I split it/scratch it. No yellow/discolour fluid comes with it. In your opinion, does this sounds symptomatic of a cold sore, or something worth seeing a doctor about?

I did touch both my eye and vagina after touching the cut on my lip, as I wasn't concerned about it before, but the worry wart within me has caught up. I have never had a cold sore before.

Re: Cold sore?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:07 pm
by Nervousone
You could talk to a doctor if you want. I wouldn't jump to saying touching your eye or vagina would cause anything else, but who knows. It's very possible that splitting it and scratching it just irritated it a bit. Personally, I wouldn't be worried unless it lasted for a long time

Re: Cold sore?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:12 pm
by Nervousone
Oops, I'm sorry. I just realized this was in the user-staff section. My bad!

Re: Cold sore?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:54 pm
by aj2234
No problem Nervousone - easy mistake to make.

Just wanted to add that there is no longer any pain at the area unless it splits open (being on my lip, this keeps happening a little bit when I yawn/stretch it too much).