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Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:52 pm
by Smiley644
I just had a few questions about spermicide. I consider myself fairly well-versed in the different methods of contraception, but spermicide is one that I've never used or had any experience with, though I have read several articles about them. I'm on the mini-pill, Norethindrone, which I know is not the most trustworthy OCP out there, so I definitely want to use a second method. I am currently is of condoms, but would like to stop using them as they make sex quite a bit more uncomfortable for me. (I have been through several different pill types and lubricants, and have seen specialists trying to find something that will help with painful intercourse.) So that's why I'm interested in spermicides.
1) Can you use lubricant in addition to spermicides or would it compromise the effectiveness?
2) I have seen that the different product types that have different percentages of the active ingredient, and I was just wondering which is the most effective in your opinion?
3) I have a lot of problems with vaginal dryness and I know that most methods of spermicides need to be inserted into the vaginal canal as close to the cervix as possible, and I didn't know if using lubricant for that would interfere?

Thank you for your time,

Re: Spermicide

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:10 pm
by Mo
Hi Smiley,

I know you said you've read some about them, but if you haven't seen our article on Spermicides you may want to take a look at it. :) It's totally fine to use other lubrication along with spermicide.

The two caveats you may want to keep in mind: spermicides can increase the risk of STI transmission, so if you're looking to both stop using condoms and use spermicide, it's a good idea to make sure you and your partner are up to date with your STI testing beforehand.
In addition, many people do find that spermicides can cause genital irritation or pain, so if you're already noticing pain during intercourse it could be that adding spermicide won't help that situation any. In terms of percentages of the active ingredient, any standalone spermicide on the market will be effective; I'm not aware of the specific ideal percentage but there's likely to be a tradeoff between comfort and effectiveness; if you're at all sensitive to the active ingredients in spermicides then a stronger one will probably cause more pain.

Are you interested in learning about other forms of birth control, like an IUD or implant, that would be more effective than the pill?