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Question out of curiosity

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:59 am
by coupdetat
These questions are intended to educate and clearify my curiosity.. so i need you guys point of view

1. If a man has a semen on his thigh after ejacualtion, and a women accidentaly sit on them.. does that pose a pregnancy risk?

2. In what way condom is considered prefectly/properly used? iknow from the articles in this site stated numbers of steps.. but could you clearify everything that needed to be done by user.. for the condom to be used properly..

3. Does a 'pop' sound from a condom during intercourse is a cause for concern if after intercourse the condom did not break?

4. And is it true even after using condom properly for intercourse.. there is a semen residue found in woman's vagina?

Sorry for the drag, it would be very helpful if you guys could help me with this..

Re: Question out of curiosity

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:07 am
by Heather
I've set a limit with you with pregnancy risk questions that I need to hold and remind you to please respect. So, for the questions I have already talked about with you -- namely, questions about how pregnancy can or can't happen we've already answered in previous conversations with you, directly, so you have our answers for that -- and given you links to get more information about, I'm leaving them.

As one place to start getting those kind of questions answered, looking at this last conversation and the links there should do the trick: ... 863#p17863

We also ask everyone using direct services, including in the user agreement you agreed to when registering, to look at the site first for information before asking questions.

You'll find what you're asking for about condom use here (and a quick use of our main site search engine would have brought this information up for you):
All the Barriers! All the Time!
Condom Basics: A User's Manual

Condoms shouldn't be making a "pop" sound. If they are, that's probably because when putting it on, someone didn't smooth it out with their hand to remove air bubbles. You want to do that when putting a condom on.

I have no idea what you're asking about with "semen residue." When a condom is used, all fluids from the penis are contained within the condom. So, no, someone using a condom for all contact with someone's vagina cannot have their semen wind up in the vagina, because it will be inside the condom.

Re: Question out of curiosity

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:02 pm
by coupdetat
that was kind of harsh there the way you replied my questions.. i respect what you did for people here, we know you are human being, but we are human being too.. the difference is just that you know something better than us.. but the way you replied my questions were as if im not respecting your limits.. we dont deserve to be withhold by the knowledge we want to know.. i did browse through everything here countless of hours before posting.. so that i could ask question that i couldnt find any across the board.. so yeah, thank you for putting up on me.. seriously you guys are great, but just lack a little bit of compassion when people gets repeatative.. and we get repeatative for a reason.. because this fear is real.

Re: Question out of curiosity

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:30 pm
by Redskies

Re: Question out of curiosity

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:54 pm
by Heather
I assure you, my setting limits not only comes from a place of managing our services in ways that allow us to help anyone in the first place, but also from a place of compassion and care, as explained in the link Redskies shared above.

We are well aware everyone here is human. Limits and boundaries - both setting them and respecting them - are needed in healthy interactions between human beings.