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Sex with my boyfriend

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:32 pm
by will.enochs
So I've been dating my boyfriend for a month going on tomorrow and just a few days ago we had sex for the first time. It was my first time ever. It was great, it didn't hurt like people said it would, and it felt right. I absolutely know he was the right guy to lose it to. We ended up having sex twice that day. The first time, he used a condom. The second he didn't, but he said he didn't cum. The next day, we had sex yet again and he didn't used a condom. He pulled out to cum and everything, but then put it back in afterwards. I'm slightly worried that I could get pregnant from that if there was any cum on his penis. Is that possible? Could I be pregnant and if so how soon will I be able to tell?

Re: Sex with my boyfriend

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:15 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, will.enochs. Welcome to Scarleteen. :)

Intercourse without any kind of barrier such as condoms, or without using any kind of contraceptive method, always poses a risk of pregnancy. How high or how low are your chances of pregnancy after this two encounters is hard to say. Statistics about things like this -- for example condoms efficiency rates -- are not measured in one time or two, but in one year of use. If he didn't ejaculate the chances are low but the risk is still there.

If you want to, and if no more than five days have passed, you can still use Emergency Contraception. If you need more information about EC, you can find it here: ... traception

Is this something you would like to do? If so, do you need any help finding a place to get EC?