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Pain and Discharge

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:01 pm
by sarysar123

First off I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting in the same forum or board whatever it's called twice, it's a different question, and I didn't see anything saying I couldn't, but please let me know if I'm not supposed to be doing this.

Anyway! So I lost my virginity with my boyfriend, I was also his first time, then had sex two times the next day with him (all times protected with a condom). Just to make sure I took a pregnancy test at home, negative, my doctor gave me one, negative, and I got my very normal period on time. So I really do not think it's a pregnancy thing.

Ever since he pulled out, like right after, my pelvis and lower abdomen have been very just. Tender. It was at it's worst right after the sex, I was almost doubled over in pain. This has been going on for... Almost a month now.

Along with that, again starting right after he pulled out, I have been having this strange discharge. It's similar to what I've had before, normal cleansing I think, colorless and basically odorless, but it's just been a lot more. It's been getting less I think though a bit.

My question is, are these things related maybe? And should I be concerned? I feel fine otherwise
Also, could it just be he kind of went to rough with me? He was on top when this happened, and he is a bigger guy (not speaking genitalia wise, I mean big person in general).

Thank you very much for any help you can give me!

Re: Pain and Discharge

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:54 pm
by Karyn
Posting two questions in the same area of the boards is just fine. :) We just ask that people not post the same question in multiple places.

Abdominal pain and unusual discharge (whether it's unusual in colour, odour and/or amount) are things that need to be checked out by a healthcare provider, especially when they continue for this long. When you went to the doctor for a pregnancy test, did you mention the abdominal pain or the discharge to them? If so, what did they say?

Re: Pain and Discharge

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:07 pm
by sarysar123
Well I mentioned the abdominal pain a bit, but to be honest they didn't say too much about it. I was just getting over mono at the time and my spleen and liver were swollen, so I kind of had pain everywhere at that point.
Could it be simply because I just, kinda took a pounding (not trying to be funny ha)? I mean we've been intimate since then, not sex, but cases where he's been on top of me and it as hurt worse after those times..

You don't think it's pregnancy, do you? Just an opinion, I mean all medical signs point to no..

Re: Pain and Discharge

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:01 am
by Ruth
Two negative pregnancy tests and a regular period comfortably rules out pregnancy, so no worries there.

I would second Karyn's recommendation that you see a healthcare provider about this, though - these symptoms lasting this long are something to take up with them, not us.

Re: Pain and Discharge

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:35 am
by sarysar123
Okay, thank you :)